An Undergraduate Internship on La Santé
With the development of so many efficient applications out there in the mobile application market, people are spending more time on their phones than ever. While this does seem like a good way to spend time; it does put human health at high risk as their bodily movements have declined, to top it off ever since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, people are being asked to stay home which has brought in a bigger decline in bodily movements; some people do exercise at home to stay healthy but significant others have become lazy and have put their health at a greater risk. To deal with such a situation, a certain group of developers at Techdojo; including myself, have decided to work on a web application that involves the users staying involved in healthy exercise as well as being fit. It has been decided to call the app, “La Santé”. The background, scope, objectives, and other analytical points about this fitness tracker will be discussed in detail in this report. The Company Profile of Techdojo will also be addressed.
- Autumn 2022 [51]