Now showing items 1-19 of 19

    • Bangladesh and the Global Climate Debate 

      HAQUE, MASROORA; Huq, Saleemul (CURRENT HISTORY, 2015-04-01)
      The yearly international climate change negotiations, also known as Conferences of Parties (COPs), are large and formidable affairs. Under the aegis of the United Nations Framework Convention on ...
    • Climate resilient planning in Bangladesh: a review of progress and early experiences of moving from planning to implementation 

      Rai, Neha; Huq, Saleemul; Huq, Muhammad Jahedul (Development in Practice, Routledge, 2014-08-01)
      Bangladesh is one of the first least developed countries (LDCs) to develop a long-term climate change strategy, the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP). Two funds were set up after developing the ...
    • Coming full circle: the history of loss and damage under the UNFCCC 

      Roberts, Erin Louise; Huq, Saleemul (International Journal of Global Warming, 2015-01-01)
      This paper chronicles the history of the rise of loss and damage in negotiations under the United Nations Framework on Climate Change and the role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ...
    • Commentary: Debt relief and financing of climate change action 

      Huq, Saleemul; Fenton, Adrian; Wright, Helena; Afionis, Stavros; Paavola, jouni (NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, Macmillan Publishers Limited., 2014-08-01)
      Slow progress in scaling-up climate finance has emerged as a major bottleneck in international negotiations. Debt relief for climate finance swaps could provide an alternative source for financing mitigation and adaptation ...
    • Commentary: Loss and Damage 

      Huq, Saleemul; Roberts, Erin; Fenton, Adrian (NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, Macmillan Publishers Limited., 2013-11-01)
      Loss and damage is a relative newcomer to the climate change agenda. It has the potential to reinvigorate existing mitigation and adaptation efforts, but this will ultimately require leadership from developed countries and ...
    • Detecting climate adaptation with mobile network data in Bangladesh: anomalies in communication, mobility and consumption patterns during cyclone Mahasen 

      Lu, Xin; Wrathall, David J.; Sundsøy, Pål Roe; Nadiruzzaman, Md.; Wetter, Erik; Iqbal, Asif; Qureshi, Taimur; Tatem, Andrew J.; Canright, Geoffrey S.; Engø-Monsen, Kenth; Bengtsson, Linus (Climatic Change,, 2016-08-01)
      Abstract Large-scale data from digital infrastructure, like mobile phone networks, provides rich information on the behavior of millions of people in areas affected by climate stress. Using anonymized data on mobility ...
    • Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation: evidence from two sites in Bangladesh 

      Reid, Hannah; Alam, Sarder Shafiqul (Climate and Development, 2016-05-01)
      Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation (EbA) involve the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services to help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. This research looks at two components of effective EbA: ...
    • Effect of salinity on food security in the context of interior coast of Bangladesh 

      Khanom, Tanzinia (Ocean & Coastal Management, Elsevier Ltd, 2016-06-16)
      The Southwest (SW) region of Bangladesh is facing salinity intrusion both environmentally and anthropogenically. In that circumstance, the dominating livelihood agriculture is affected severely including soil and ground ...
    • Knowledge and adaptive capacity 

      Williams, Casey; Fenton, Adrian; Huq, Saleemul (NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, Macmillan Publishers Limited., 2015-02-01)
      Climate change adaptation has, over the last decade, become an increasingly important topic in international policy discussions. In the research community, considerable work has been devoted to adaptation, and especially ...
    • Knowledge flows in climate change adaptation: exploring friction between scales 

      Huq, Saleemul; Stott, Clare (Climate and Development, Taylor & Francis, 2014-11-14)
      Effective mainstreaming of climate change adaptation (CCA) into related policy and development initiatives relies on comprehensive knowledge sharing between multiple stakeholders. In Bangladesh, community-based adaptation ...
    • Livelihood resilience in the face of climate change 

      Huq, Saleemul; Tanner, Thomas; Lewis, David; Wrathall, David; Rahman, Ashiqur; et al. (NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, 2014-01-18)
      The resilience concept requires greater attention to human livelihoods if it is to address the limits to adaptation strategies, and the development needs of the planet’s poorest and most vulnerable people. Although the ...
    • Mainstreaming community-based adaptation into national and local planning 

      Reid, Hannah; Huq, Saleemul (Climate and Development, Taylor & Francis, 2014-11-07)
      Community-based adaptation (CBA) to climate change can be defined as ‘a community-led process, based on communities’ priorities, needs, knowledge, and capacities, which should empower people to plan for and cope with the ...
    • Mangrove management for climate change adaptation and sustainable development in coastal zones 

      Chow, Jeffrey (ournal of Sustainable Forestry, 2017-06-12)
      Due to their prevalence in developing countries and the range of ecosystem services they provide, projects aimed at promoting man-groves align with several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals—specifically Goals 13, 14, ...
    • Meaningful Measurement for Community-Based Adaptation 

      Faulkner, Lucy; Ayers, Jessica; Huq, Saleemul (New Directions for Evaluation,Wiley Online Library, 2015-09-01)
      Evidence indicates ongoing tensions over effective climate change adaptation measurement. Focusing on community-based adaptation (CBA), we stress that some of these tensions stem from a lack of transparency around the ...
    • Non-economic losses from climate change: opportunities for policy-oriented research 

      Serdeczny, Olivia Maria; Bauer, Steffen; Huq, Saleemul (Climate and Development, Taylor & Francis, 2017-09-01)
      The concept of non-economic losses (NELs) has recently emerged in the context of negotiations on loss and damage under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). NELs are losses of values that are ...
    • A people-centred perspective on climate change, environmental stress, and livelihood resilience in Bangladesh 

      Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja; Geest, Kees van der; Ahmed, Istiakh; Huq, Saleemul; Warner, Koko (Sustain Sci (2016), 2016-06-11)
      The Ganges–Brahmaputra delta enables Bangladesh to sustain a dense population, but it also exposes people to natural hazards. This article presents findings from the Gibika project, which researches ...
    • Resilience synergies in the post-2015 development agenda 

      Roberts, Erin; Andrei, Stephanie; Huq, Saleemul; Flint, Lawrence (NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE, Macmillan Publishers Limited., 2015-12-15)
      Avoiding and reducing loss and damage associated with the impacts of climate change is an implicit goal within three high-profile international policy processes: the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 ...
    • The Role of Microfinance in Household Livelihood Adaptation in Satkhira District, Southwest Bangladesh 

      Tallontire, Anne; Paavola, Jouni; Fenton, Adrian (World Development Vol. xx, pp. xxx–xxx, 2017 0305-750X/ Ó 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd., 2017-04-01)
      There is increasing interest in the potential of microfinance to foster climate change adaptation. However, existing liter-ature over-relies upon theoretical arguments rather than empirical evidence, and until now the ...
    • Shrimp and coastal adaptation: on the politics of climate justice 

      Huq, Saleemul; Paprocki, Kasia (Climate and Development, 2017-03-24)
      Strategies for climate change adaptation are contingent on normative analyses of ideal development outcomes and possible futures. Competing visions for the future thus result in adaptation programmes that benefit some while ...

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