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dc.contributor.authorTallontire, Anne
dc.contributor.authorPaavola, Jouni
dc.contributor.authorFenton, Adrian
dc.description.abstractThere is increasing interest in the potential of microfinance to foster climate change adaptation. However, existing liter-ature over-relies upon theoretical arguments rather than empirical evidence, and until now the emphasis has been on potential positive linkages. We address these weaknesses by empirically examining the role of microfinance in adaptation, drawing from household-level quantitative and qualitative data gathered from Satkhira District, Southwest Bangladesh. We find evidence that microfinance facilitates coping by reducing sensitivity to environmental and climate hazards. Credit is especially important because its availability is uncorre-lated with the occurrence of flooding, unlike many other traditional coping responses. We also find evidence that microfinance facilitates adaptation by helping households to overcome financial barriers of adopting adaptation options which reduce exposure or sensitivity. However, credit limits are likely to restrict its role to incremental adaptations, which may not meaningfully reduce vulnerability. Trans- formational adaptations at times required access to bank credit which the poorest cannot access. This restricts their ability to effectively adapt and are penalized financially by having to obtain loans to cope. We also find evidence that microfinance can lead to maladaptation when used in non-profit generating activities as income streams are not produced to help repay associated costs. Almost a fifth of all loans were obtained for repaying existing loans. Thus microfinance may undermine longer term adaptive capacity.en_US
dc.publisherWorld Development Vol. xx, pp. xxx–xxx, 2017 0305-750X/ Ó 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.en_US
dc.subjectclimate changeen_US
dc.titleThe Role of Microfinance in Household Livelihood Adaptation in Satkhira District, Southwest Bangladeshen_US

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