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dc.contributor.authorChow, Jeffrey
dc.description.abstractDue to their prevalence in developing countries and the range of ecosystem services they provide, projects aimed at promoting man-groves align with several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals—specifically Goals 13, 14, and 15—which concern adaptation to cli- mate change and the sustainable management of forest and coastalresources. Although mangroves themselves are sensitive to climate change, they also provide services that would help reduce damages, by sequestering carbon, enhancing coastline stability, and protecting coastal settlements from tropical storm surges. In particular, man-groves can rapidly colonize and stabilize intertidal sediments, pro-moting coastal accretion to reduce the impact of sea level rise. The Government of Bangladesh has established mangrove plantations with the intent to accelerate accretion and stabilize 120,000ha of coastland. As a case study, this paper uses GIS data on coastal dynamics and land cover to evaluate the effectiveness of mangrove plantations for facilitating accretion and preventing erosion in Bangladesh. The results indicate that plantation areas experience greater rates of accretion relative to erosion than non-plantation areas, confirming that mangroves have an important role to play in the sustainable development of coastal regions.en_US
dc.publisherournal of Sustainable Forestryen_US
dc.subjectSustainable Development Goalsen_US
dc.subjectmangrove plantationen_US
dc.subjectland accretionen_US
dc.subjectecosystem serviceen_US
dc.subjectcoastal erosionen_US
dc.subjectclimate change adaptationen_US
dc.titleMangrove management for climate change adaptation and sustainable development in coastal zonesen_US

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