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dc.contributor.authorHasan, Mahady
dc.contributor.authorAlam, Sabrina
dc.contributor.authorMannan, Anaz Bin
dc.contributor.authorMilky, Golam Rakib
dc.contributor.authorUddin, Arif Moin
dc.contributor.authorAlam, Md Baharul
dc.description.abstractThe banking sector in Bangladesh has been confronted with numerous challenges, prompting a shift towards automation. Increased competition, rising consumer demands, rising expenses, falling profitability, antiquated legacy systems, and cybersecurity risks are just a few of the difficulties the banking industry is currently facing. Numerous solutions have been put up to solve these issues, including automation frameworks, the transformation of digital banking, mobile banking, and impact analyses of technology advancements. However, some banks may find it unworkable due to probable job losses, decreased client interaction, and the significant investments and training needed for technological adoption. Therefore, before implementing any offered remedies, it is crucial to carefully consider them and their potential consequences.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectFinancial Institutionsen_US
dc.titleBreaking Down the Barriers: How Bangladeshi Banks Can Overcome Obstacles to Automationen_US

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  • 2023 [67]
    Research articles produced by the CSE department in the year 2023

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