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dc.contributor.authorSadman, Mahib
dc.contributor.authorSaha, Sourav Kumar
dc.contributor.authorHaque, Sabrina
dc.contributor.authorSumi, Faria Islam
dc.contributor.authorKhair, Samira Binte
dc.contributor.authorNadia, Sanzida
dc.contributor.authorUddin, Mohammad Rejwan
dc.contributor.authorHasan, Mahady
dc.description.abstractAutomatic product packaging refers to the process of packaging products without the need for manual human intervention. Over the years, automated packaging systems have transitioned from singular machines that automate one step in the packaging process to now integrating all steps seamlessly into the entire packaging process. This system uses various technologies such as sensors, motors, and software to perform these steps automatically, eliminating the need for manual labour. An object is transferred, sorted colour wise and then finally packed- all through an automated process.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectArduino Uno R3en_US
dc.subjectServo Motoren_US
dc.subjectProximity Sensoren_US
dc.subjectImage sensoren_US
dc.subjectColor sensoren_US
dc.subjectLED light bulbsen_US
dc.subjectBluetooth Moduleen_US
dc.titleAutomatic Product Sorting And Packaging Systemen_US

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  • 2023 [67]
    Research articles produced by the CSE department in the year 2023

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