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dc.contributor.authorHossen, Ishtiaq
dc.contributor.authorRahman, Nazib
dc.contributor.authorIslam, Rezaul
dc.contributor.authorZaman, Niaz Murshed Uz
dc.contributor.authorKabbo, Kawshik Rahman
dc.contributor.authorAzim, Abdul
dc.contributor.authorUddin, Mohammad Rejwan
dc.contributor.authorHasan, Mahady
dc.description.abstractThe ecosystem is being harmed using fossil fuels, so renewable energy sources are required to protect the climate for coming generations. The most popular green energy source is solar power, but its effectiveness is impacted by the sun's varying positions. This paper suggests a practical method—a single-axis solar tracking system—for increasing the electricity output of solar panels. Compared to a stationary system, the suggested system can boost a panel's power production according to tests conducted in a variety of weather conditions and positioning. The device uses very little energy and is a practical way to increase the efficiency of solar panels. Thus, putting this method into place can aid in maximizing solar energy and lowering reliance on fossil fuels.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectrenewable energyen_US
dc.subjectsolar panelsen_US
dc.subjectsingle-axis solar tracking systemen_US
dc.subjectenergy optimizationen_US
dc.subjectfossil fuel alternativeen_US
dc.titleRenewable Energy Optimization: The Role of Solar Tracking Systemsen_US

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  • 2023 [67]
    Research articles produced by the CSE department in the year 2023

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