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dc.contributor.authorIslam, Yusuf Mahbubul
dc.contributor.authorNashikh, Umam Mustain
dc.description.abstractWith questions and questioning playing a significant role in the process of teaching and learning the questioning processes applied in the Socratic Learning Method (SLM) and in the Flipped Classroom do not always produce consistent results. To afford a greater insight into the questioning methodologies applied while teaching this research asks the following questions: (a) At which point of communicating with the student should the first question be asked?(b) What type of question should the launching question be? (c) What physical relationship does this question have with the brain? (d) How exactly is learning constructed in the brain? As part of the literature review, ideas from the Holy Scriptures are used to create a basic data model of how questions can help build neuron clusters. Using this data model, subsequently called the Extending Neuron Clusters (ENC) model, a lesson plan was developed to train n = 394 tertiary level teachers in a number of batches applying the proposed model. By way of assessment, the nature of questions asked by the participating teachers at the end of the training was thematically analyzed. 51% of the queries were found to be metacognition type of questions while 33% were questions on how to practically apply the methodology. The results indicate a willingness to carry their learning further. At the end, basicsteps to develop lesson plans using Draft Version the data model are given. It is recommended that the implications of this pilot study should be tested further, especially where learning results are found to be poor, e.g., in STEM courses. Keywords: Socratic Learning Methodology, active learning, questions to engage learningen_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.titleQuestioning questions - can questions help build neuron clusters?en_US

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  • 2023 [67]
    Research articles produced by the CSE department in the year 2023

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