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dc.contributor.authorKumar Saha, Kapil Kumar Saha
dc.description.abstractAs banks play the key roles in the economy, it is important to know the performance of banks in their operational areas. In addition to this, banks’ performances should be measured because of the several parties related to the banking industry. Depositors evaluate performance to make a decision regarding whether to trade with the bank, bank managers evaluate performance to formulate a strategy, and regulators evaluate to ensure whether the banks’ performances align with the legal and societal structure of the country. The objective of the study is to analyze the “Loan Disbursement” A Case Study on First Security Islami Bank Limited Though primary objective of preparing this paper is to fulfill the requirement of BBA internship program but this study will serve as a reference for any kind of further research both for academic or business purposes.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectLoans and Advanceen_US
dc.subjectAssets Portfolioen_US
dc.subjectStatutory Reserveen_US
dc.subjectPaid-up –Capitalen_US
dc.subjectBranch Networken_US
dc.title“Loan Disbursement” A Case study on First Security Islami Bank Limiteden_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US

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