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dc.contributor.authorHaque, Hasibul
dc.description.abstractThe internship is defined as obtaining practical experience from various organizations, which helps form a connection between theoretical and practical knowledge. It is essential because it is the first time for a student to acquire a keen practical understanding of different organizations. "A Web-Based System for Online Food Ordering" project focuses on web development and design for the Food Ordering system. I created a website for the Food Ordering system. My office supervisor gave the plan for the project. And then I gathered data, designed the website, and coded it to build the project. In this project, I am attempting to make a Food Ordering website for a restaurant where the customer in that area can order the food through the website and get home delivery services from the restaurant or can collect the food from the restaurant. In addition, the website contains a little introduction about the restaurant, and also contains the contact us page. And there is also an admin panel for the management. The website is built in a manner that the admin can change almost all the things as they wish. Almost all the portion of the website is dynamic so the admin can change easily. This project has provided me with some invaluable learning opportunities. This initiative has inspired me to pursue further development-related work. I hope that this experience will be beneficial to my future work.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectWeb Developmenten_US
dc.subjectFood Ordering systemen_US
dc.titleOnline Food Ordering Systemen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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