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dc.contributor.authorMD. JAHANGIR, ELAF
dc.description.abstractInternship is defined as obtaining practical experience from various organizations, which helps in the formation of a connection between theoretical and practical knowledge. It is very important because it is the first time for a student to acquire a keen practical knowledge from the different organizations. When I was offered an internship at Norban Comptex Ltd. I got the chance to work and learn with developer team. The project’s goal was to create a framework for Norban Comptex Ltd named “Payroll Management System”. This report covers the whole project that I learned about throughout my internship period. I had to finish my learning sessions before working on any project, and in this learning session, I was allocated to Employee management, add new employee, different interface for different parts and their back-end codes. It was almost like a skill test before the actual project was assigned. I have detailed the information and experiences I have gained and the work I have done as an intern at Norban Comptex Ltd. In this report. I worked on a website application where the most of my tasks included developing the entire site.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectPayroll Management Systemen_US
dc.titlePayroll Management Systemen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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