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dc.contributor.authorEsti, Md.Ashikuzzaman
dc.description.abstractIn today’s world there is a tough process of taking appointment for doctors in the healthcare industry. So it is required to have an efficient system to book an appointment of doctors. The more efficient this system can be it will help more the general people in terms of health related matters. So they are implementing SAP(Smart Appointment Portal) system for providing automated appointment booking process for the general people. The task of my team for the project was to gather requirement, design the data, develop, test and implement. As technology has advanced enormously, I will get to learn more every day. In this report I will discuss how to implement a web application that serves the purpose of SAP services also its design, development, testing phase and benefits it provides. As it was a new project for Decimal it, the company assigned me in the research, design phase, development and testing phase of a SDLC. The web application is based on Laravel and vue js framework and front-end is designed using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap where the database is designed in SQL. Working in Decimal it as an intern, added huge experience to my career and gave me a lot of professional knowledge. This report will take us through all the details of web development and experience gathered during this internship period.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectSAP(Smart Appointment Portal)en_US
dc.titleSmart Appointment Portal(SAP) for healthcare organization under Decimal iten_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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