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dc.contributor.authorNahar, Samsun
dc.description.abstractInternship is defined as obtaining practical experience from various organizations, which helps in the formation of a connection between theoretical and practical knowledge. It is very important because it is the first time for a student to acquire a keen practical knowledge from the different organizations. When I was offered an internship at Norban Comptex Ltd. I got the chance to work and learn with developer team. The project’s goal was to create a framework for Norban Comptex Ltd named “Payroll Management System”. This report covers the whole project that I learned about throughout my internship period. I had to finish my learning sessions before working on any project, and in this learning session, I was allocated to Employee management, add new employee, different interface for different parts and their back-end codes. It was almost like a skill test before the actual project was assigned. I’ve detailed the information and experiences I’ve gained and the work I’ve done as an intern at Norban Comptex Ltd. In this report. I worked on a website application where the most of my tasks included developing the entire site.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectEmployee Managementen_US
dc.titlePayroll Management Systemen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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