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dc.contributor.authorAhmed, Hasan
dc.description.abstractBangladesh has been evolving as a digital nation where we have a very high number of people using internet and the number keeps rising. Internet is easy to get now and has reached every corner of the country. This also demands business, different platforms, organization to evolve and get digitalized. This opens a huge opportunity for business organization to promote themselves online. Like every other business sector, Agro business have also taken this opportunity to grow their business and reach more people. Spanwide has partnered with lot of prominent agro companies to help them make their online platform to promote their business and increase the brandvalue. The following report is based on the development of such a company’s website, Nazif Agro. The website aims to help their customers and interested buyers with important information, easy solution to contact or book a meeting and also promote the brand to the local community to establish them as one of the prominent Agro Company. The report also describes my internship experience with Spanwide, a well-known digital agency based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Spanwide was found back in 2019 and since then serving their customers with their expertise. I am glad to join themandwork with them in the development team as a front-end developer intern. The report is divided into 8 major parts explaining the project and the process of the development. It starts with the introduction of the project in the first chapter focusingon the overview and the objective of the project and the scopes of work we had. Thesecond chapter is about the literature review where I covered how the project is related with my bachelor’s degree. In the third chapter, project management and finance, I covered the planning that went into the project which includes breakdownof time, resources and cost to carry on the development. Then on the fourth chapter, the methodology that is followed for the project is described and how that methodology helped us in planning and development. The firth chapter titled body of the project, in fact is the most important part of the report. Here the system analysis is discussed with thorough discussion on different techniques of analysis and diagrams. The next chapter, Results and analysis, covers the result we obtained after the development and analyzed what we achieved. Chapter seven is the discussion on the sustainability of the project, social and environmental effects and the Ethical aspects. Finally, in the last chapter, along with the conclusion of the report, I discussed the scope of future works.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectSystem Analysisen_US
dc.titleAn Undergraduate Internship on Nazif Agroen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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