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dc.contributor.authorHossain, Md Fahad
dc.description.abstractThis is an internship report on the project that has been provided by BG IT Limited, as required by the Bachelor of Science (BSc) program in Independent University, Bangladesh. The objectives of the study are to analyze the different aspects of my internship at BG IT Limited, to distinguish and resolve problems that are associated with the given project of "Online Food Ordering and Restaurant Management System". We are all aware of the current global situation. Because of Covid 19, virus people are unable to go to restaurants. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the majority of local businesses have been in trouble. The owner of the "Hot Grills" restaurant was unable to operate due to the lockdown. Then he made the decision to take his restaurant business online, and he came to IT Limited to design his restaurant website. The primary goal of this application is to deliver food to the customer's doorstep. This is a web-based application where the users can access the website using the internet. Users can select their preferred foods and place online orders using this web application. This is an extremely useful application in this pandemic situation because it can help a wide range of people while simultaneously saving a significant amount of time and money. This report describes all of the processes involved in designing an up-to-date website, including planning, requirement analysis, development, physical and logical designs, and so on. A well-organized website is a must-have for any company.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.titleOnline Food Ordering and Restaurant Management Systemen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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