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dc.contributor.authorTasnim, Sajia
dc.description.abstractThe main idea of the project is to build a website for consultancy firm where students can frequently visit the platform to get updated news. The site contains a sign in system where they can sign in with the required information asked from them. After the successful registration, the user can access the web platform according to the provided access based on the role of the individual. From the home page of all the users where the list of all the registered members are shown, the personal information can be viewed, edited and deleted. from the button manage when the view button is clicked that the page with the selected user’s information is shown. This can be viewed only. Similarly, for the edit option the registered information can be edited and saved by the update button. This was the previous information is erased and the new information is replaced and saved. Another option for the user is delete option. If an user needs to be removed the entire entity can be erased by selecting the delete button. The search bar can be used to search a registered user from the list by typing either the name, phone number or the email address. This was it is easier to find a specific user when necessary. The project ensures the company’s presence in the web platform for easier access and better marketingen_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectconsultancy firmen_US
dc.titleAbroad website on student enrollmenten_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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