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dc.contributor.authorArnob, Faiyaz Mahmood
dc.description.abstractThis Document contains the Education ERP management, architectural design, user interface design, testing, and future work of ‘Education ERP management System’. This system allows teachers, students to use web portal. Teachers can give notice, take attendance, or give results throughout the system on the other hand students can check their grading here. Several modules, including the modules for data entry and data records, are included in this project. Sub-modules are further broken down into these modules. This means that the Data Entry module contains information on the Class Setup, Student Setup, Teacher Setup, Fees Setup, Student Attendance, Employee Attendance, Subject Setup, Add Expense, Expense Detail, Examination Setup, and Exam Details. The Data Records module contains information on students, teachers, students' attendance, employees' attendance, and fees. These modules facilitate effective organization management. Therefore, this project aids in the effective management of human resources inside the company. Additionally, it takes up less time. The primary and most significant advantage of this suggested approach is how accurate and user-friendly it is.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectERP managementen_US
dc.subjectarchitectural designen_US
dc.subjectuser interface designen_US
dc.subjectweb portalen_US
dc.titleEducation ERP management Systemen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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