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dc.contributor.authorToma, Rubayat Islam
dc.description.abstract"Portfolio" is a software inspired by different ongoing similar projects and modified for Techno Drugs Ltd. as per the requirements of the company. This system is integrated with an in-built employee management system that helps all the employees to be supervised in an online platform which is a must require option for any business during this pandemic situation and also for regular times. The system keeps records of all the assets of the company in a personal recording manner. This helps to get the view of assets to the management as they want to see it. Technologies used to build this software are very familiar to the current world. So maintenance or upgrading of the system in future will be easy.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectPersonal Portfolioen_US
dc.titleAn Undergraduate Internship on Personal Portfolioen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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