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dc.contributor.authorSiddik, Md. Abubakkar
dc.description.abstractThe responsibilities of a three-month internship at Automation Services Ltd. in Dhaka, Bangladesh, are described in this report. Starting in September 2022, my internship work assignment was to design the UI and engineer the UX for the Power Meter Reader app. I presented the app to the authority after completing the initial system analysis, UI/UX design, and engineering work, and they were pleased with it. Then I set out to use Flutter and Firebase to work on the mobile application’s Android version. I made an effort in this project to provide a project management tool for the team installing electric power meters. a place where they may keep track of their prior work and preserve essential data for future projects. The project as a whole, the research and development process that went into it, and my experiences working for a company that focuses on fitness during my internship are all covered in this report.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectUI/UX designen_US
dc.subjectmobile applicationen_US
dc.titleAn Undergraduate Internship on Power Meter Reader Appen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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