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dc.contributor.authorTabassum, Farzana
dc.description.abstractEverybody has shopped in their lives. People spend a lot of time shopping these days. We at Techdojo Limited choose to develop a user-friendly e-commerce web application named ‘Regalia’ to make shopping easier and more enjoyable. I have been working as an intern at Techdojo Limited. People spend a lot of time looking for products before attempting to purchase them. Despite this, it is seen that consumers waste a lot of their time searching for the products they want. As a result, we have developed a solution that also serves as the web application's salient feature: the recommendation. People choose the categories and based on those choices; users receive product recommendations. People can save time and purchase conveniently and hassle-free in this way. Additionally, the seller receives product recommendations in addition to being able to post their products for sale. Many e-commerce web applications are user-friendly and people waste a lot of their time searching for their desired products. This report provides a brief discussion of the project I created while working as an intern at Techdojo Limited. I had a learning session where I learned the tech stacks needed for the project before I started working on it. Background, goals, scope, firm profile, and other analytical topics are briefly explained in this report.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectweb applicationen_US
dc.titleWeb Application Development of “Regalia” at Techdojo Limiteden_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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