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dc.contributor.authorRaihan, Akib
dc.description.abstractAt ADN DIGINET, I am currently undertaking an enriching internship as an Artificial Intelligence Trainee, working collaboratively with a team of four members. The internship's primary goal is to develop and submit two or more AI-related projects. In this abstract, I present the details of the ongoing projects, "EDU Chatbot'' and "Potato Plant Disease Detection." The "EDU Chatbot" project aims to create an intelligent chatbot tailored for university-related inquiries. The chatbot's functionalities include answering student queries about university facilities, financial aid, and other relevant information. To develop this innovative solution, I am utilizing TensorFlow and Nltk libraries to build the underlying model. For deployment, we plan to implement a Flask API, coupled with a front-end design using React. The chatbot's capabilities will empower students to access accurate and timely information about their respective universities. In the "Potato Plant Disease Detection" project, our focus is on creating an AI-based system capable of accurately identifying diseases affecting potato plants. By submitting an image of the plant, the model will predict whether it is suffering from early blight, late blight, or if it remains healthy. Utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and TensorFlow, I am actively constructing the disease detection model. The API framework we intend to implement is FastAPI, with the frontend to be developed using HTML and CSS. This project's successful completion will provide farmers with a valuable tool for crop health management. Throughout the initial stages of the internship, I have dedicated time to enhance my knowledge of various machine learning and deep learning libraries. This period has allowed me to become proficient in utilizing essential tools and methodologies for successful AI projects. As the internship progresses, I am actively engaged in hands-on learning, gaining valuable experience in team collaboration, and honing my skills in Artificial Intelligence technologies, 8 | Page including TensorFlow, CNN, FastAPI, NLP and ReactJS . I look forward to presenting the final outcomes of these projects, which will demonstrate my ability to address real-world challenges through innovative AI solutions.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectArtificial Intelligenceen_US
dc.subjectEDU Chatboten_US
dc.subjectFlask and Fast APIen_US
dc.titleAn Undergraduate Internship on Potato Plant Disease Detection and Edu Chatboten_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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