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dc.contributor.authorKhaled, Tahsin Bin
dc.description.abstractIn the rapidly evolving and competitive job market, an effective and exquisite Curriculum Vitae (CV) is essential for individuals to stand out. Traditional CV creation methods often lack the interactivity and proactive features needed to make an impression on potential employers for a considerable amount of time. This academic report presents a research proposal to develop a web-based CV- building platform using ReactJS and the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, Node.js) stack. The platform’s goal is to offer users a versatile and user-friendly interface to create personalized and visually impressive CVs, enhancing their capacity for work. The report encompasses a comprehensive problem statement, literature review, and proposed methodology. The report begins with a problem statement, followed by a comprehensive literature review that explores relevant topics such as CV-building platforms and web technologies.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectMERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, Node.js)en_US
dc.subjectWeb-based platformen_US
dc.titleWeb-Application on CV-Buildingen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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