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dc.contributor.authorTuhin, Ashraful Islam
dc.description.abstract"Hospital-Management-System" is an innovative and user-friendly hospital management system designed to streamline healthcare processes and enhance patient experiences. Built with PHP, HTML, CSS, MySQL, and JavaScript, this project brings the convenience of online access to medical services. The system consists of three main user roles: patients, doctors, and administrators. Patients can log in to their accounts, effortlessly schedule appointments with specialized doctors of their choice, view their appointment history, and submit inquiries for further information. Doctors have their own dedicated accounts where they can efficiently manage appointments, maintain comprehensive patient records, generate prescriptions, and securely share medical details with patients. The administrator, with exclusive access to the admin panel, can effectively manage doctors by verifying their credentials, oversee user appointments, promptly respond to inquiries, and monitor user and doctor session logs. "Hospital-Management-System" aims to enhance the overall efficiency and convenience of healthcare delivery by integrating technology into the traditional hospital system. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive features, this system empowers patients, doctors, and administrators to navigate and manage healthcare services with ease.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectHospital management systemen_US
dc.subjectonline appointmentsen_US
dc.subjectpatient careen_US
dc.subjectdoctor-patient coordinationen_US
dc.subjectmedical recordsen_US
dc.subjectcentralized informationen_US
dc.titleHospital Management Systemen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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