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dc.contributor.authorRahman, Mahfuzur
dc.description.abstractThis is report provides an overview of my enriching three-month internship at ADN DigiNet, where I was selected to participate in a specialized program aimed at developing prototypes and proof of concept projects utilizing Machine Learning (ML) and Aritificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. The internship commenced with an intensive two-month training phase, immersing us in ML concepts, tools, and available libraries. Subsequently, the final month was dedicated to applying our newly acquired knowledge and skills to work on individual projects. My Project centered around the creation of a Book Recommendation System, designed to enhance user experience by delivering personalized book suggestions based on their preferences and platform interactions. As part of this projects, I played a pivotal role in building the backend server using Django, a widely-used web framework. Specially, I was responsible for implementing crucial functionalities, including user authentication, order placement, and review management, ensuring a seamless user experience and fostering greater engagement and satisfaction.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectMachine Learningen_US
dc.subjectArtificial Intelligenceen_US
dc.titleAn Undergraduate Internship on Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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