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dc.contributor.authorAfrin, Sadia
dc.description.abstractProject Name: Dhaka Stock Exchange Web Application Scraping Application and Data analysis. The Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) is Bangladesh’s largest stock exchange, making it easier to buy and sell securities including stocks and bonds. The daily manual stock data entry creates major barriers for investors, reducing their capacity to make informed decisions and predict market movements. To address this issue, we propose a web ap- plication that will automate and streamline the DSE’s data collection and visualization methods, empowering investors while reducing hands-on effort. As a data analyst, it is our aim to create an effective and user-friendly web-based platform that makes use of web scraping technology to regularly collect data from the DSE website at predetermined intervals. We will start with Power BI for data visualization and then add Stream lit for a better user experience. This real-time data, which includes details on stocks and bonds bought and sold, will be processed, and presented through interactive visualizations, giving investors access to the latest trends and insights. The tool gives investors a complete view of stock performance, historical trends, trading volumes, and important indicators by automating data extraction and analysis. As a result, investors have greater confidence to make informed decisions and manage their portfolios. The application offers a hassle-free experience by eliminating manual data tracking. Investors can customize their data preferences and visualize specific stocks or sectors, aligning with their financial goals. In the end, the web-based application is crucial for building up investors with the information they require to oversee their portfolios and successfully negotiate the unstable stock market. By making data-driven decisions, investors can remain ahead of the curve, adapt to market fluctuations, and achieve their financial objectives on the Dhaka Stock Exchange.en_US
dc.publisherIndependent University, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectPower BIen_US
dc.subjectStream liten_US
dc.subjectWeb Scrapingen_US
dc.subjectData Analysisen_US
dc.subjectReal Time Dataen_US
dc.subjectBeau- tifulsoupen_US
dc.titleAn Undergraduate Internship/Project on Topic Dhaka Stock Exchange Web Scraping Application and Data Analysisen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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