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dc.contributor.authorAhmed, S. M. Saief Uddin
dc.contributor.authorChowdhuri, Abu Sayef Md Muntaquimul Bari
dc.descriptionIn Bangladesh, value-added services (VAS) were basically introduced by the short message service (SMS). But now a day, VAS has spread and people can even get emergency help from the telecom operators.VAS helps operators go beyond typical voice services to earn more revenue. According to government data, about 90 percent of total internet use in the country is through the mobile network.en_US
dc.description.abstractBangladesh has one of the fastest growing consumers in mobile communication sector and Grameen Phone Ltd. is standing in top position. Value-added services (VAS) help mobile phone operators go beyond typical voice services to earn more revenue. This paper identifies 69.3 percent Grameen Phone (GP) users belong to 21-30 age group, 57 percent users are student, 58 percent is using smart phone while almost 48 percent is using Nokia aspreferred cell phone brand. 44 percent users are using GP more than six years while 38 percent users spent Tk. 501 – 1000 per month. Almost 47 percent users got informed about VAS via GP’s bulk SMS and 21.2 percent via newspaper. From plenty of VAS, SMS (33 percent) and call waiting/hold (52 percent) are used a great deal by the users. The study depicts significant and strong positive association with users’ age and usage (Tk.) per month, and users’ profession and call conference and opera mini.en_US
dc.publisherSchool of Business, Independent University,Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectGrameen Phone (GP), Value-Added Services (VAS), Percentage, Correlation, Chi-Square Test.en_US
dc.titleDoes Grameen Phone Need to Rethink Promoting Its Value Added Services for Users of Sylhet in Bangladesh?en_US

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