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dc.contributor.authorMamun, Syed A.
dc.contributor.authorNoor, Mohammad Fahad
dc.contributor.authorMusa, S. M.
dc.descriptionCorporate governance environment is the composition of country level factors which affect the corporate governance practise of firms operated in a particular economy. Jensen and Meckling (1976) explained a firm as a nexus of contracts among its stakeholders i.e. managers, employees, shareholders, creditors, suppliers, customers, community, markets, politics, culture etc. Similarly, based on the stakeholder perspective, Gillan (2006) defined corporate governance environment as the composition of law and regulation, capital markets, market for corporate control, labour markets, product markets, providers of capital market information, accounting, auditing, finance and legal service providers external to the firm, the media and external lawsuits.en_US
dc.description.abstractCorporate governance environment refers tovarious country level factors affect the firm level governance practices. The main objective of this paper is to explore the corporate governance environment of two South Asian countries namely Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Findings of the study represents that both of the countries take various initiatives to develop their corporate governance environment in the line of international standard. The current paper extends the scarce literature on corporate governance environment which, in turn, assists policy makers and corporate decision makers to understand the phenomena in a better way.en_US
dc.publisherSchool of Business, Independent University,Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectCorporate Governance Environment, Accounting environment, South Asiaen_US
dc.titleCorporate Governance Environment in South Asia: A comparative analysis of Bangladesh and Sri Lankaen_US

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